AFR BOSS Most Innovative Company


Reece Group

Innovation: PowerUp Learning

Category: Property, Construction & Transport

And the winner of the Most Innovative Company for Property, Construction & Transport is…

The Reece Group!

On October 14, 2021, Reece was announced as the winner of the 2021 BOSS Australian Financial Review Most Innovative Company Award in our category of Property, Construction & Transport with our latest innovation – PowerUp Learning.

It’s a real thrill to see PowerUp recognised as a game changer to our industry. And with our first group of learners graduating in October as well, we’ve been delighted to see how our courses have been a game changer for our customers and learners, too.

Learning is vital to growth as well as business and career success. There are plenty of options for trade professionals when it comes to improving their technical skills, but very little in the way of improving their soft skills like leadership, communication, customer service, and sales. PowerUp is a tool for tradies who want to achieve momentum in their business or career.

As a registered training organisation (RTO), Reece delivers soft skills training like leadership, customer service, and sales, specifically targeted to the trade industry. No tedious textbooks or boring, endless lectures. Think fun, agile courses with digital activities, videos, and bite-sized audio to enable learning anywhere, any time.